Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Second Stop: Figure Collection

This is one hell of a crazy week for me at work since it's the end of the month. Nevertheless, i took some time to complete my posting on my existing collection, that is my figurines.

1) Saint Seiya Myth Cloth
Really makes people wonder when is this series gonna end. I would really be excited if they decided to embark on projects such as armored police metal jack, shurato, or yoroiden samurai troopers.
As of now I only look forward to complete my hades spectors & poseidon scales collection.
As you can see my collection has jam-packed the top of my wardrobe.
2) Super Imaginative Chogokin (S.I.C.)
I remembered when i first came across this series i was pretty blown away by the artistic interpretation of kamen riders. The edgy-looking sculpture & the various articulation points allows you to pose your super heroes with your wildest imagination. Picture below shows kamen riders from "Blade" series, "Hibiki" series, & "The First" movie. Others include "Garo" series & Ultraman by Super Reborn Chogokin -S.R.C. (a pity that they didn't continue other productions).

Below is my bikers clan. There's Cloud Strife from "FFVII Advent Children", Dark Knight by S.I.C.: Movie Realization, Agito bike and Faiz bike. The next series that I'm aiming for would be "Final Fantasy Play Arts" series.
3) SOTA Toys
I grew up playing Street Fighter and I'm always intrigued by the moves they made. I got my first SOTA figure(centrepiece, SOTA exclusive) thanks to my colleague Desmond. I'm still left with Ken, Akuma, Gouken, Chun-Li, Vega & Balrog to complete my SOTA collection.
4) Others
As you can see, there's only one figure in this category..lol.. I'm looking for Revoltech Dan Board from "Yotsuba&!" series to keep her accompanied. On the left is a drum set kit that i got it from Tiong Bahru Hobby shop. Can't imagine what it will look like when i assemble it and put my S.I.C. "Hibiki" series to it... XD


deSMOnd said...

Bro, because of your poisons here and there, I started collecting Japanese Anime toys like Bandai SIC and SOC products which are normally not my main toylines..Really Thank You ah..Haha!!

Unknown said...

If you're interested in YST, email me at cyndane01@sympatico.ca

You can find some YST model kits on YAJ, btw, but they're a bit hard to distinguish from the action figures since there's no picture showing what the assembled model kit looks like. There are 5 for the troopers, 4 for the Ma Sho (Demon Generals), one for Kikoutei (much harder to find than the others... while I've found the action figure, I've never found the model kit), and there might be one for Arago, but I don't know.

xoCIGARS.com said...

I think this is among the so much significant info for me. I am extremely happy to seen it and wanna a copy of this.Although I have some toys that I collected from PIJ I’m excited! I’m going to have these in week! http://bit.ly/saintseiya